The Test-of-Time Award recognizes two outstanding papers published 10 years ago at DSN, in the DSN proceedings (research track, practical experience report or tool papers), that have had a sustained and important impact on the theory and/or practice of dependable systems and networks computing research. DSN has several areas under its umbrella and with two awards there are conditions to recognize more than one area. In exceptional situations (not enough nominations), the time frame for awards can be extended to 10-12 years, and only one paper can be awarded, in this order.

The Test-of-Time award is selected by an Award Committee appointed by the DSN Steering Committee chair and the current DSN PC chairs. The award takes the form of a plaque presented to the author(s) at the conference.

For 2020, the Test-of-Time Award Committee selected the following papers:

  • “Using Bayesian networks for cyber security analysis”, by Peng Xie, Jason H. Li, Xinming Ou, Peng Liu, Renato Levy, 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’10), DCCS track, Chicago, US, pp. 211-220

      • “An empirical investigation of fault types in space mission system software”, by Michael Grottke, Allen P. Nikora, Kishor S. Trivedi, 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN’10), PDS Track, Chicago, US, pp. 447-456
DSN-2020 Test-of-Time award Committee

Felicita Di-Giandomenico, ISTI-CNR, IT

Doug Blough, Georgia Tech, US
Cristian Constantinescu, AMD, US
Marc Dacier, Eurecom, FR
Aad van Moorsel, University of Newcastle, UK

Complete information on the award can be found on the award web page: