July 2, 2020
15:00 – 15:15 (CEST).
Rising Star in Dependability award presentation
University of British Columbia, Canada
Karthik Pattabiraman
University of British Columbia, Canada
Citation from the nomination letter:
"While traditionally, dependable computer systems have been confined to domains where cost was not a primary concern, Dr. Pattabiraman has developed innovative techniques to make computer systems dependable at low cost, thereby allowing their use in our daily lives."
Bio: Karthik Pattabiraman received his M.S and PhD. degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2004 and 2009 respectively. After a post-doctoral stint at Microsoft Research (MSR), Karthik joined the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 2010, where he is now an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Karthik's research interests are in error-resilient software systems, software reliability, and Internet of Things (IoT) security. He is a recipient of numerous awards and honors including the William Carter award in 2008, the distinguished alumni early career educator award from UIUC’s Computer Science department in 2018, the 2018 Killam Faculty Research Prize and the 2016 Killam Faculty Research Fellowship from UBC, and the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) award in Canada in 2015. Karthik is a senior member of the IEEE and the ACM, and the vice-chair of the IFIP Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (10.4).
Webpage: http://blogs.ubc.ca/karthik
Video of the session with Q&A
15:15 – 15:55 (CEST).
Keynote #3
Jose Duato, Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences and Professor of Computer Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
July 2 @ 15:15 - 15:55 (CEST)
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16:00 – 17:00 (CEST).
Research Track #09 || Research Track #10 || Industry Track 5 || Fast Abstracts #3
Chaired by Chung Hwan Kim, NEC Research
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- Hybrid Firmware Analysis for Known Mobile and IoT Security VulnerabilitiesPengfei Sun (Shape Security), Luis Garcia (University of California, Los Angeles), Gabriel Salles-Loustau (Rutgers University), Saman Zonouz (Rutgers University)
- Real-Time Context-aware Detection of Unsafe Events in Robot-Assisted SurgeryMohammad Samin Yasar (University of Virginia), Homa Alemzadeh (University of Virginia)
- Scalable Approach to Enhancing ICS Resilience by Network DiversityTingting Li (Cardiff University), Cheng Feng (Siemens Corporate Technology), Chris Hankin (Imperial College London)
- Cross-App Interference Threats in Smart Homes: Categorization, Detection and HandlingHaotian Chi (Temple University), Qiang Zeng (University of South Carolina), Xiaojiang Du (Temple University), Jiaping Yu (Temple University)
Chaired by Miguel Correia, University of Lisboa
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- From Byzantine Replication to Blockchain: Consensus is only the BeginningAlysson Bessani (FCUL, University of Lisboa), Eduardo Alchieri (University of Brasilia), João Sousa (FCUL, University of Lisboa), André Oliveira (FCUL, University of Lisboa), Fernando Pedone (University of Lugano)
- EPIC: Efficient Asynchronous BFT with Adaptive SecurityChao Liu (UMBC)
Sisi Duan (UMBC)
Haibin Zhang (UMBC) - On Incentive Compatible Role-based Reward Distribution in AlgorandMehdi Fooladgar (Isfahan University of Technology), Mohammad Hossein Manshaei (Florida International University), Murtuza Jadliwala (University of Texas at San Antonio), Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman (Florida International University)
- FSTR: Funds Skewness aware Transaction Routing for Payment Channel NetworksSiyi Lin (SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY), Jingjing Zhang (SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY), Weigang Wu (SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY)
Chaired by Harigovind V. Ramasamy, Amazon
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- Fundamental Challenges of Cyber-Physical Systems Security ModelingGeorgios Bakirtzis (University of Virginia), Garrett Ward (Honeywell International Inc.), Christopher Deloglos (Virginia Commonwealth University), Carl Elks (Virginia Commonwealth University), Barry Horowitz (University of Virginia), Cody Fleming (University of Virginia)
- Ontology Configuration Management for Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering in IndustryBorja Lopez (The REUSE Company), Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Eugenio Parra (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Jose Luis de la Vara (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Chaired by Roberto Natella, Univ of Napoli
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- Fault Tree Analysis: Identifying Maximum Probability Minimal Cut Sets with MaxSATMartín Barrère (Institute for Security Science and Technology, Imperial College London), Chris Hankin (Institute for Security Science and Technology, Imperial College London)
- Impact of Coding Styles on Behaviours of Static Analysis Tools for Web ApplicationsIbéria Medeiros (LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa), Nuno Neves (LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa)
- A Novel Graphical Security Model for Evolving Cyber Attacks in Internet of ThingsDong Seong Kim (The University of Queensland), Kok Onn Chee (The University of Queensland), Mengmeng Ge (Deakin University)
17:10 – 18:10 (CEST).
Research Track #11 || Research Track #12 || Best of SELSE || Fast Abstracts #4
Chaired by Zhongshu Gu, IBM Research
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- SeGShare: Secure Group File Sharing in the Cloud using EnclavesBenny Fuhry (SAP SE), Lina Hirschoff (SAP SE), Samuel Koesnadi (SAP SE), Florian Kerschbaum (University of Waterloo)
- Omega: a Secure Event Ordering Service for the EdgeCláudio Correia (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa), Luis Rodrigues (INESC-ID, IST, ULisboa), Miguel Correia (INESC-ID / IST / Univ. Lisboa)
- Trust Management as a Service: Enabling Trusted Execution in the Face of Byzantine StakeholdersFranz Gregor (TU Dresden), Wojciech Ozga (TU Dresden), Sébastien Vaucher (University of Neuchâtel), Rafael Pires (University of Neuchâtel), Do Le Quoc (TU Dresden), Sergei Arnautov (Scontain UG), André Martin (TU Dresden), Valerio Schiavoni (University of Neuchâtel), Pascal Felber (University of Neuchâtel), Christof Fetzer (TU Dresden)
- UPA: An Automated, Accurate and Efficient Differentially Private Big-data Mining SystemTsz On Li (The University of Hong Kong), Jianyu Jiang (The University of Hong Kong), Qi Ji (The University of Hong Kong), Chi Chiu So (The University of Hong Kong), JiaCheng Ma (The University of Hong Kong), Xusheng Chen (The University of Hong Kong), Tianxiang Shen (The University of Hong Kong), Heming Cui (The University of Hong Kong), Amy Wang (The University of Hong Kong)
Chaired by Gueyoung Jung, AT&T Research
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- Enhancing Reliability-Aware Speedup Modelling via ReplicationZaeem Hussain (University of Pittsburgh), Taieb Znati (University of Pittsburgh), Rami Melhem (University of Pittsburgh)
- Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT NetworksDoganalp Ergenc (University of Hamburg), Jacek Rak (Gdansk University of Technology), Mathias Fischer (University of Hamburg)
- Mining Multivariate Discrete Event Sequences for Knowledge Discovery and Anomaly DetectionBin Nie (College of William and Mary), Jianwu Xu (NEC Laboratories America), Jacob Alter (College of William and Mary), Haifeng Chen (NEC Laboratories America), Evegenia Smirni (College of William and Mary)
- (practice report): Learning to Reliably Deliver Streaming Data with Apache KafkaHan Wu (Free University of Berlin), Zhihao Shang (Free University of Berlin), Katinka Wolter (Free University of Berlin)
Video of the session with Q&A
List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- Software-only Triple Diverse Redundancy on GPUs for Autonomous Driving PlatformsSergi Alcaide (UPC - Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Leonidas Kosmidis (UPC - Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Carles Hernandez (UPV - Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Jaume Abella (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
- A Machine Learning-based Error Model of Voltage-Scaled CircuitsDongning Ma (ECE Department, Villanova), Xun Jiao (ECE Department, Villanova)
- An Overview of the Risk Posed by Thermal Neutrons to the Reliability of Computing DevicesDaniel Oliveira (UFPR), Sean Blanchard (LANL), Nathan DeBardeleben (LANL), Stephen Wender (LANL), Fernando F. dos Santos (UFRGS), Gabriel Piscoya Davila (UFRGS), Philippe Navaux (UFRGS), Carlo Cazzaniga (STFC), Christopher Frost (STFC), Robert C. Baumann (consultant), Paolo Rech (UFRGS/LANL).
Chaired by Nuno Antunes, U. Coimbra
Video of the session with Q&A .List of Papers in the session and their Teasers
- The Effect of Motion on PPG Heart Rate SensorsDaniel Hu (Purdue University), Calvin Henry (Purdue University), Saurabh Bagchi (Purdue University)
- Reliability Analysis of Edge Scenarios using Pedestrian MobilityKshitiz Goel (Purdue University), Abhishek Bhaumick (Purdue University), Peepika Kaushal (Purdue University), Saurabh Bagchi (Purdue University)
- Improving the dependability of the ECG signal for classification of heart diseasesBartosz Przysucha (Departmetn of Quantitative Methods in Management, Lublin University of Technology), Tomasz Rymarczyk (Research and Development Center Netrix S.A., and University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin), Dariusz Wójcik (Research and Development Center Netrix S.A.), Michał Woś (Research and Development Center Netrix S.A.), Andres Vejar ((Research and Development Center Netrix S.A., and University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin))
18:15 – 18:30(CEST).
Business Meeting
Chaired by Mohamed Kaaniche (LAAS-CNRS)
- Introduction by Mohamed Kaaniche
- Future DSNs (decided and proposals)
- DSN-2021, Sy Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taipei (Taiwan)
- DSN-2022, Yair Amir, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (USA)
- DSN-2023, Domenico Cotroneo, Federico II University of Naples, Naples (Italy)
- DSN-2024 (beyond) Henrique Madeira, Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal)
- Questions & Remarks
Video of the session