Call For Participation
DSN2020, June 29 – July 2, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We sincerely invite you to participate DSN2020, which will be held on-line for the first time in the past 50-year of DSN history!

The 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN2020) will feature a rich program including:

    • 49 research papers selected from over 280 submissions;
    • more than 30 presentations in 4 exciting workshops, addressing dependability and security challenges in intelligent vehicles, machine-learning solutions, data-centric and high-performance computing platforms for autonomous systems;
    • 3 tutorials covering from soft-error resilience and machine-learning algorithms for anomaly-based intrusion detection to cryptocurrency networks;
    • 10  industry papers, 7 Doctoral forum contributions and 12 fast abstracts.

In the conference webpage you will find video teasers summarizing all the contributions; check them and be aware of the last advances on dependability and security that will be addressed at DSN2020.

On this special year, the conference will also offer to attendees 3 outstanding invited speakers. Jeannet M. Wing, Avenessians Director of the Data Science Institute and Professor of Computer Science Columbia University will talk about “Trustworthy AI”. Dahlia Malkhi, Research Lead at Calibra, will present “The Journey to Libra Blockchain Core and Beyond”. And Finally, Jose Duato, Professor of Computer Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València and Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, will focus on how “Guaranteeing acceptable levels of performability in modern interconnection networks despite congestion”.

In addition to the traditional Best Paper and Test-of-Time Awards, and the well-known William C. Carter and Jean-Claude Laprie Awards, this year the Rising Star in Dependability Award will be given for the first time.

Networking and interaction between attendees are one of the DSN hallmarks. Although on-line, this edition will not be an exception. Our infrastructure allows group audio and video calls, a coffee break room for informal chat and private communication channels if required. Even at home, you will feel the “DSN Community” experience.

As you can see everything will be there for ensuring the enjoyment of all DSN2020 attendees.

For details of the DSN2020 program, please visit

All news regarding DSN2020 will be posted through Twitter and LinkedIn.

To register, please visit For a better experience, do not leave registration until the last minute. A “DSN Attendee” guide will be distributed before the conference in order to ensure that you get familiar with the virtual environment that will be used and to stablish a common procedure for presentations and Q&A during the event. Some days before the conference, we will also contact you to ensure you have full access to all the conference resources. During the conference you will be always assisted by our technical support.

Looking forward to (virtually) hosting you at DSN 2020. Thank you for your attention!

Juan-Carlos Ruiz and Pedro Gil
Universitat Politècnica de València
DSN2020 General Chairs