15:05-15:50 (CEST). SSIV #1: AI and adaptive systems
chaired by Michaël Lauer
AI and Reliability Trends in Safety Critical Autonomous Systems on Ground and Air
Jyotika Athavale (Intel), Michael Paulitsch (Intel), Andrea Baldovin (Intel), Ralf Graefe (Intel), and Rafael Rosales (Intel)
Reward Tuning for self-adaptive Policy in MDP based Distributed Decision-Making to ensure a Secure Mission Planning
Mohand Hamadouche (Lab-STICC, CNRS), Catherine Dezan (Lab-STICC, CNRS), and Kalinka Regina Lucas Jauqie Castelo Branco (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
15:55-16:40 (CEST). SSIV #2: Dependability and security analysis
chaired by Joao Cunha
The Quantitative Risk Norm - A Proposed Tailoring of HARA for ADS
Fredrik Warg (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden), Rolf Johansson (Autonomous Intelligent Driving), Martin Sanfridson (Volvo Technology AB), Mattias Brännström (Zenuity AB), Magnus Gyllenhammar (Zenuity AB), Martin Skoglund (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden) and Anders Thorsén (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)
Analysis of Cybersecurity Mechanisms with respect to Dependability and Security Attributes
Behrooz Sangchoolie (Dependable Transport Systems, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden), Peter Folkesson (Dependable Transport Systems, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden), Pierre Kleberger (Dependable Transport Systems, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden) and Jonny Vinter (Dependable Transport Systems, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)
Exploring Fault Parameter Space using Reinforcement Learning-based Fault Injection
Mehrdad Moradi (University of Antwerp and Flanders Make vzw), Bentley James Oakes (University of Antwerp and Flanders Make vzw), Mustafa Saraoglu (Technische Universitat Dresden), Andrey Morozov (Technische Universitat Dresden), Klaus Janschek (Technische Universitat Dresden) and Joachim Denil (University of Antwerp and Flanders Make vzw)
16:45-17:30 (CEST). SSIV #3: Architecture and deployment
chaired by Kalinka Branco
Flexible Deployment and Enforcement of Flight and Privacy Restrictions for Drone Applications
Nasos Grigoropoulos (University of Thessaly) and Spyros Lalis (University of Thessaly)
Conceptual Design of Human-Drone Communication in Collaborative Environments
Hans Dermot Doran (Institute of Embedded Systems, ZHAW), Monika Reif (Institute of Applied Mathematics and Physics, ZHAW), Marco Oehler (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Curdin Stöhr (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), and Pierluigi Capone (Centre for Aviation, ZHAW).
A hierarchical fault tolerant architecture for an autonomous robot
Favier Anthony (LAAS-CNRS, INPT ENSEEIHT - University of Toulouse), Messioux Antonin (LAAS-CNRS, INPT ENSEEIHT, University of Toulouse), Jérémie Guiochet (LAAS-CNRS,UPS, INPT, University of Toulouse), Jean-Charles Fabre (LAAS-CNRS, UPS, INPT, University of Toulouse) and Charles Lesire (ONERA/DTIS, University of Toulouse).
17:40-18:30 (CEST). SSIV #4: Panel and closing remarks
"Future Challenges in Safety and Security of Intelligent Vehicle"