The week of the conference is approaching and a set of training days has been scheduled in order to let conference participants familiarize with the working environment that will be used for the conference.
All registered participants will receive the credentials to connect to the training sessions by email. These credentials will be the same that participants must use next week to connect to DSN 2020 sessions.
In general, everyone MUST HAVE A LOOK AT THE DSN 2020 STARTING GUIDE, which explains how to connect to the system, how the sessions are organized and the information that will be available per session.
More specifically, and depending on the role each one will play during the conference, parcipant can assist to the following training sessions:
Tuesday, 23 June 2020. Training for session chairs
- Expected participants:
Everyone with responsibilities in session chairs, tutorial proposers and track organizers; - Duration (aprox):
1 hour, including questions - Guide:
Click here to download the guide for session chairs - Video:
Check the session channel (see link bellow) Sessions: The same session is proposed three times in order to let everyone to connect at his/her most suitable time. So, each person should only need to assist to one session.
Sessions are scheduled at 12h (CEST), 16h (CEST) and 20h (CEST)
- Expected participants:
Wednesday, 24 June 2020. Training for regular session presenters
- Expected participants:
Everyone with a contribution that needs to be presented in a regular session, including those in the industry and research tracks, doctoral forum, fast abtstracts, tutorials, workshops or Best of SELSE session; - Duration (aprox):
1 hour, including questions - Guide:
Click here to download the guide for presenters in regular sessions - Video:
Check the session channel (see link bellow) Sessions: The same session is proposed three times in order to let everyone to connect at his/her most suitable time. So, each person should only need to assist to one session.
Sessions are scheduled at 12h (CEST), 16h (CEST) and 20h (CEST)
- Expected participants:
- Thursday, 25 June 2020. Training for participants in plenary sessions
- Expected participants:
Everyone participating in a plenary session, presenter or not, such as keynote speakers, best paper candidate presenters, award winners and participants in the bussiness meeting; - Duration (aprox):
1 hour, including questions - Guide:
Click here to download the guides for presenters in plenary sessions and participants in plenary sessions - Video:
Check the session channel (see link bellow) Session:
19h (CEST)
- Expected participants:
Friday, 26 June 2020. Training for the rest of DSN 2020 attendees
- Expected participants:
Everyone registered in the conference - Duration (aprox):
1 hour, including questions - Guide:
Click here to download the guide for participants in plenary sessions - Video:
Coming soon Session: Although the training will be provided in a plenary session, we will address both attendance to plenary and regular sessions.
16h (CEST)
- Expected participants: